Friday, March 16, 2012

Final Thought: Social change happens because we begin to act in new ways. What have you learned in this class? What actions and what changes, if any, are you going to make as a result of taking SOC 101?

i have learn  a lot from this  class, everyone day in life i think about what is going around me and how i should change,and what i can do to change.the way i can change is by choosing to day something good everyday in life.i have learn  the food inc, the way to change is to just eat organic  foods and to take action of my own. i also learn that that this is a big place and we all need to help each other and change how things are together because one person can't do it by starting from myself.its as really nice taking this class because it make one thing about what is world is about and to thing about what is around us. everyone is responsibility to change this world to make a change.

Chapter 12: Would you ever allow your parents, family and/or close friends to arrange a marriage for you? What about matchmaking services e.g. or Would you be open to using their services? What are the disadvantages of relying on our own contacts and judgment when it comes to finding a long term romantic partner?

the answer to this question is usually  would be hell no but to thing about what mr Eric said  in class now my answer is maybe. the  reason for the maybe is because i still would love to choose the person that i want to marry but at the same time i thing that maybe i might pick a wrong person. i trust my mother to pick a good husband but it can be scared. in my life i have see arrange a marriages, so i have seen good ones and bad one.the good one is that the both grown to love each other and the bad one is they are no longer together.therefore it can be tough and you never know if its going to work out or not. one thing i really hate is divorce, because my mother  get divorce 2 times and its not something i want to go through.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

To what extent do race and ethnicity influence the opportunities you have and obstacles you face? How conscious are you of your race and ethnicity and their possible influence on your life.

i believe that race and ethnicity can influences opportunities you have and obstacle you face.i'm  black woman and on top of that i'm Muslim so i don't get that much of opportunities. a black person wouldn't get same opportunities  as white person. a white person is more likely to get more opportunities the a black person because of their race. some people get more opportunities because the sound like a white person or they white. most of the black people don't get that kind of opportunities. here american there tough that a person is better then another just because the color of their skin,which is sad thing to know after all that happened.

Chapter 8: On page 178 of our textbook, the following question is asked: “How much are you responsible for your success?” On pages 190-191 another question is asked: “How easy is it to change [your] social class?” What are your answers to these questions? How do these questions intersect with one another?

i think that i'm responsible for my  successes even thought i have to work hard to get to where i want to be. we said work hard and you will get to somewhere but sometimes it doesn't work like that. i come from a life that are low income its going to be hard to be getting of from depends on how your life goes. somewhat i'm   responsible for my successes.its not easy when it come to changing my class social class because it might  take generations in order to change.

Chapter 7: Should gambling, prostitution, and recreational drugs be legalized? What are the consequences, both positive and negative, of doing so?

i think that gambling, prostitution and recreational drugs shouldn't be legalized. for one that it hurts the people in one that people don't understand.there will be a lot  of issues that  will come from all of these things,such as killing people, young girl will be prostitution.  there will be teenagers will be on the streets doing drugs. there will be a lot of disease, etc. therefore it might get a lot of money but there will be bigger issues then just getting money because money is in American  have already have other issues that we have to deal with but legalizing these thing are no such a good idea.therefore i vote no to these things.

Chapter 5: List the social statuses you occupy. Which ones are ascribed, and which are achieved? What roles are you expected to play as a consequence of the positions you occupy? How do you resolve possible role conflicts?

i occupy several social ascribed social statues are daughter,sister.i'm Muslims black woman that is working achieve statues  are high school and college student. the rolls that i am expected to play as consequences involve to work hard in college and to help my mother.i will be the first family member to go to college.its hard to balance my school and family and friends, that's where  i get conflicts comes in. for example my family are big family and i'm the oldest of the family. i'm expected to do a lot of the work and helping my single mother.i have to balances out school  my family and friends and work. the way to resolved my conflicts is to have schedule for myself .

How have smart phones and websites like Facebook (material culture) changed the way we interact (nonmaterial culture, norms, and values) and communicate? How does frequent “texting” and less talking affect the nature of our relationships, both positively and negatively

smart phones social networks have great impact on the way we interact and phone make life easy phone are like small computer. i can check my email form my phone Skype from my smart phone. for example i have family that are in Africa that i can Skype with because i don't see that. the fact that i talk to them and see the on computer screen. although that smart phone and  social networks have completely  changed  the way the most of the youth are on Facebook or texting someone one.they don't even see each other face to face. technologies has it positively side and negatively said.its time consuming and its also helpful.

Initial thought:

my initial thought was that every individuals have a great responsibility to make things better  and change society.we live a place were everyone is depends on each other.things that if they don't do anything someone else will do. most of the people are not aware of a lot of things. for example the american health care is very bad but no one does nothing about. i think that everyone can do any thing that they put their mind to. social institution like colleges,religious,organization and the government are suppose to support their individuals because without them they are nothing. the government can help in a lot of way such as food, school and clothes  help they needs ones.therefore individuals have great responsibility to make things better.